Minimal Surfaces as Architectural Prototypes

Vlad Tenu

Vlad’s research was developed around the design problem of minimal surface structures, in order to create an alternative algorithmic method for generating triply periodic minimal surfaces as well as building them from modular components.

His methodology has followed a dual process: a form-finding algorithm using computational simulation of soap films combined with a topological optimization process to develop a simple modular fabrication system. After several manufacturing techniques were tested, the final piece was built of a set of only 16 different planar acrylic components reflected 121 times to form a complex minimal surface structure.

Using a particle-spring system as a framework for the simulation process, the potential of the proposed method could open new directions in the computational design field, by having the ability to involve more parameters in the generative design process. Together with aiming minimal surface properties and a modular tesselation, the system could be programmed to reach a multiple objective optimization character which could inlcude spatial, social or structural parameters.


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