Cindermedusae [Cinder]

Created by Marcin Ignac and yet another project selected for the WrittenImages book, Cindermedusae is a generative encyclopedia of imaginary sea creatures.
I wanted to explore generating organic and believable forms so I have chosen to try with a jellyfish.
I have been following their creation since the beginning and really enjoyed object evolution, from the first sketches to the end result (see images below). The base for the whole creature is the head made out of deformed sphere. All the elements are controlled by a set of parameters such as length and number of features that can be randomized and animated over time. No predefined geometry or textures are used.
Marcin writes: Recently I was working on a project about underwater life. In this case we used 3d models so the immediately when I heard about Written Images I thought “Let’s make something more generative and organic”. I did some research and was amazed how big jellyfish can grow so I decided to make one. At the beginning I was aiming for super realistic look but after stumbling upon works by Ernst Haeckel and his amazing book “Kunstformen der Natur” I knew that this is the way to go. The most difficult part of the project was to find a way of controlling the layout on the page because when you generate something randomly it’s hard to predict it’s shape, size and position. I dealt with that with some smart transformations and iterative algorithms.
Created using OpenGL, GLSL and Cinder.
Project Page
Marcin Ignac is a polish artist / programmer / designer living in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Previously on CAN: Dynamic Mesh Triangulation + UI [Cinder, iPad]

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