malleable bath silicone

Malleable Bath

villamalleable Matter BathComposed 500x145 Malleable Bath
toi­let | uri­nal | sink | shower | bath
Typ­i­cally in design­ing a res­i­dence, flex­i­bil­ity in design is lim­ited to cer­tain irre­ducible fac­tors.  A min­i­mum bath­room is 5′ X 7′.  This bath­room con­tains a shower or bath, a toi­let, and a sink — all with their indi­vid­ual dimen­sions and func­tions.  By address­ing the typol­ogy of bath­room, both func­tion and flex­i­bil­ity have a direct rela­tion­ship with the human body.  When each of these spe­cific porce­lain objects are viewed topo­log­i­cally, we can see each is com­posed of a water sup­ply and a water return.  Beyond these ele­ments, the specifics of dimen­sion are dic­tated by (1) the func­tion, and (2) gen­eral human pro­por­tions and dimensions.
Removed from the restric­tions of a 5’X7’ bath, we con­sol­i­dated all wet func­tions into a sin­gle mal­leable space.  This space is com­prised of a water sup­ply, water return, and a sil­i­cone sur­face that con­fig­ures itself in response, not only to gen­eral human dimen­sions, but to the specifics to the occupant’s body.
villamalleable matter malleablebath 500x378 Malleable Bath


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