maps 21st century

Arman Leroi

In memory of BENOIT MANDELBROT 1924 — 2010
"Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles,
and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line."

Three years ago, Edge collaborated with The Serpentine Gallery in London in a program of "table-top experiments" as part of the Serpentine's Experiment Marathon . This live event was featured along with the Edge/Serpentine collaboration: "What Is Your Formula? Your Equation? Your Algorithm? Formulae For the 21st Century."
Hans Ulrich Obrist, curator of the Serpentine, invited Edge to collaborate in his latest project, The Serpentine Map Marathon, produced in conjunction with DLD (Digital - Life - Design) Saturday and Sunday, 16 – 17 October, at Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR (Map). The multi-dimensional Map Marathon features non-stop live presentations by over 50 artists, poets, writers, philosophers, scholars, musicians, architects, designers and scientists. The two-day event takes place in London during Frieze Art Fair week.
In addition to presenting maps by Edge contributors, the Marathon featured a panel of Edge contributors Lewis WolpertArmand Leroi, with myself as moderator, at the Royal Geographical Society.
Click on images to enlarge or click here to begin slide show.

Eduardo Salcedo-Albarán Philosopher; Founder, Manager, METODO

Lewis Wolpert Biologist, University College; Author, Six Impossible Things to Do Before Breakfast
Armand Leroi Evolutionary Developmental Biologist, Imperial College: Author, Mutants: On Genetic Variatey and The Human Body

Kai Krause Software Pioneer, Author 'I think... there... 4am'
Tim Berners-Lee Engineer; Director, World-Wide Web Consortium
Sean Carroll Theoretical Physicist, Caltech; Author, From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ulitmate Theory Of Time
Douglas Rushkoff Media Analyst; Documentary Writer; Author, Program or Be Programmed
Joan Chiao Assistant Professor, Brain, Behavior, and Cognition; Social Psychology; Northwestern University

Nicholas A. Christakis Physician and Social Scientist, Harvard University; Coauthor, Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
James Fowler Political Scientist, University of California, San Diego; Coauthor, Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives

Emanuel Derman Professor, Financial Engineering, Columbia University; Principal, Prisma Capital Partners; Former Head, Quantitative Strategies Group, Equities Division, Goldman Sachs & Co.; Author, My Life As A Quant

Jennifer Jacquet Post-doctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia

Joel Gold Psychiatrist; Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, NYU School of Medicine

J. Craig Venter Genome Scientist, J. Craig Venter Institute; Author, A Life Decoded

Gino Segré Physicist, University of Pennsylvania; Author, Faust In Copenhagen: A Struggle for the Soul Of Physics
Bruce Sterling Novelist; Author, The Caryatids
Laurence C. Smith Professor of Geography and Earth & Space Sciences, UCLA; Author,The World in 2050: Four Fources Shaping Civilization's Northern Future
Cesar Hidalgo Assistant Professor, The Media Laboratory, MIT; Faculty Associate, Center for International Development, Harvard
Bryan Hunt Artist

George Dyson Science Historian; Author, Project Orion
Brian Knutson Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience; Stanford University

Neri Oxman Architect and Designer, MIT Media Lab
George F. Smoot Cosmologist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Recipient, The Nobel Prize For Physics 2006; Coauthor, Wrinkles in Time
James Croak Artist
Dimitar Sasselov 
Astrophysicist, Harvard
Dave McKeanArtist, designer and filmmaker
Carlo Ratti
Architect and Engineer; director, MIT Senseable City Lab

Nicholas HumphreyPsychologist, London School of Economics; Author, Soul Dust

Christopher Stringer 
Research paleoanthropologist at The Natural History Museum, London; Author, Homo Britannicus

Xeni Jardin
 Tech Culture Journalist; Partner, Contributor, Co-editor, Boing Boing; Executive Producer, host, Boing Boing Video
Bruce Parker Visiting Professor, Center for Maritime Systems, Stevens Institute of Technology; author of The Power of the Sea: Tsunamis, Storm Surges, Rogue Waves and Our Quest to Predict Disasters

W. Daniel Hillis
 Physicist Computer Scientist; Chairman, Applied Minds, Inc.; author, The Pattern on the Stone
Alvy Ray Smith engineer and computer graphics pioneer; co-founder of Pixar; founder of Altamira Software
Yong-Yeol Ahn postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University and a visiting researcher at the Center for Cancer Systems Biology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Mark Pagel Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Reading University, England and The Santa Fe Institute
John D Barrow Cosmologist, Theoretical Physicist, Mathematician. He is currently Research Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge; Author, Cosmic Imagery: Key Images In The History of Science
Stewart Pimm Doris Duke Professor of Conservation Ecology; Author, The World According to Pimm: a Scientist Audits the Earth
Juan Enriquez CEO, Biotechonomy; was Founding Director, Harvard Business School's Life Sciences Project; author, The Untied States of America
Rodrigo Martinez Life Sciences Chief Strategist at IDEO
Garrett A. Lisi Independent Theoretical Physicist; author, "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything"
George Church Professor, Harvard University, Director, Personal Genome Project
John Maeda Graphic Designer; Computer Scientist; President, Rhode Island School of Design; Author, The Laws of Simplicity
Alexander Kluge Author and Film Director
John Tooby Co-Director, Center for Evolutionary Psychology, Professor, Integrative Anthropological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara
Richard Saul Wurman Architect; designer; Founder, TED conference
Albert Laszlo Barabasi Network scientist; Distinguished University Professor at Northeastern University; director, Center for Complex Network Research; Author, Bursts: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do
Aaron Koblin Artist and graphic designer; Technology Lead of Google's Creative Lab
Kevin Kelly Editor-At-Large, Wired; Author, What Technology Wants
Timothy Taylor Archaeologist, University of Bradford; Author, The Artificial Ape
Tom Frankland, Illustrator
Serian Sumner Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, London 
Gianluigi Ricuperati Writer and journalist
Tom Standage Writer and journalist; Digital Editor of The Economist
Eric Weinstein Mathematician and Economist; Principal, Natron Group


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