A squishy robot inspired by the octopus and squid can change color and even glow in the dark.
Can you spot nature in these architectural designs?The School of Architecture at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, have lead a collaborative research project into bionic inspired wooden shell structures. They have designed and built a temporary pavilion, inspired by the material-efficient construction methods found in nature.
Air pockets in bristled feet enable the submerged clinging—an effect duplicated with polymers...
Today, the expanding field of what is now called biomimicry is giving engineers one more tool in their arsenal of design ideas.
Via Miguel Prazeres
Via Miguel Prazeres
“I’m interested in natural growth patterns, and the beautiful forms that only nature creates." This quote of Ross Lovegroove reflects all what he been practicing in every design and teamwork with several companies. Known as “Captain Organic,” Ross Lovegrove embraces nature as the inspiration for his “fat-free” design. Each object he creates — be it bottle, chair, staircase or car — is reduced to its essential elements. His pieces offer minimal forms of maximum beauty.
A whale’s skin is easily glommed up with barnacles, algae, bacteria and other sea creatures, but sharks stay squeaky-clean. Although these parasites can pile onto a shark’s rippled skin too, they can’t take hold and thus simply wash away. Now scientists have printed that pattern on an adhesive film that will repel bacteria pathogens from hospitals and public restrooms.
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