book sugestion
Book: James Corner & Alex S. Maclean: Taking Measures Across The American Landscape
James Corner & Alex S. Maclean | Taking Measures Across The American Landscape, 1996
‘The techniques of representation are never neutral and architecture’s abstract means of imagining and realizing form leave their traces on the work. To understand representation as technique (in Foucault’s broader sense of techne) is therefore to pay attention to the paradoxical character of a discipline that operates to organize and transform material reality, but must do so at a distance, and through highly abstract means.’ Stan Allen | Practice: Architecture, Technique and Representation, 2000
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‘The techniques of representation are never neutral and architecture’s abstract means of imagining and realizing form leave their traces on the work. To understand representation as technique (in Foucault’s broader sense of techne) is therefore to pay attention to the paradoxical character of a discipline that operates to organize and transform material reality, but must do so at a distance, and through highly abstract means.’ Stan Allen | Practice: Architecture, Technique and Representation, 2000
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