Urban Workshop// Potential Spaces in Malasaña
In Urban Workshop we have done a project that consist on studing an area in Madrid (form Calle Pez to Gran Via, Malasaña neighbourhood). We had to analyze the live in this area, the needs, and the weak points. After a very intense analysis, we had to propose some projects for improving the experience of the city in this place.
Our proposal was to take advantage of the underused spaces of the area, for us this places were "potential spaces".
We went to the area for having a closer view of how the people interact with the infrastructure, and there were some places that were not used in their complete potential. We began separating the kind of spaces that we found, in: plots, roofs, flats, empty buildings, and churches.

We continued our study focusing in each of the categories and their weak points. We made a "technical data card" for each category giving the description of each space and thinking in proposals for this spaces.

We went deeply in some categories, such as the churches, because we found the enormous potential that they have. In this area there are two churches that apparently are like any other brick-building permanently closed to the public, but in the interior they are extremly beautiful, that's why we decided to call them gems.

We made a study on how was the proportion of the green spaces in the area in comparision with the Madrid rate, taking into account information of the OMS suggestion of the quantity of green space that a city must have for being "healthy".
And we decided to link this investigation with the proposals for the roofs and plots.

An important part of our work was that we don't consider only our work in the area and our investigations for making the proposals, we also incorporate to our project the opinion of the people.
We thought that for our project was important to take into account people view, specially the opinion of the neighbours of this zone of Madrid. So we decided to create a facebook profile, espacios potenciales en malasaña, where we were asking people to suggest, comment and give feedback to our project. It was amazing how people participated with this tool, they were suggesting potential spaces, telling us their thought of what this area could be and their necesities as neighbours of this area.
We also assist to some lectures about the organizations that are in this neighbourhood, this was very helpfull for understanding what is happening in Malasaña form the point of view of urbanism.

This project was the combination of our study, our ideas, and the voice of the inhabitants of this area.
Our proposal was to take advantage of the underused spaces of the area, for us this places were "potential spaces".
We went to the area for having a closer view of how the people interact with the infrastructure, and there were some places that were not used in their complete potential. We began separating the kind of spaces that we found, in: plots, roofs, flats, empty buildings, and churches.

We continued our study focusing in each of the categories and their weak points. We made a "technical data card" for each category giving the description of each space and thinking in proposals for this spaces.

We went deeply in some categories, such as the churches, because we found the enormous potential that they have. In this area there are two churches that apparently are like any other brick-building permanently closed to the public, but in the interior they are extremly beautiful, that's why we decided to call them gems.

We made a study on how was the proportion of the green spaces in the area in comparision with the Madrid rate, taking into account information of the OMS suggestion of the quantity of green space that a city must have for being "healthy".
And we decided to link this investigation with the proposals for the roofs and plots.

An important part of our work was that we don't consider only our work in the area and our investigations for making the proposals, we also incorporate to our project the opinion of the people.
We thought that for our project was important to take into account people view, specially the opinion of the neighbours of this zone of Madrid. So we decided to create a facebook profile, espacios potenciales en malasaña, where we were asking people to suggest, comment and give feedback to our project. It was amazing how people participated with this tool, they were suggesting potential spaces, telling us their thought of what this area could be and their necesities as neighbours of this area.
We also assist to some lectures about the organizations that are in this neighbourhood, this was very helpfull for understanding what is happening in Malasaña form the point of view of urbanism.

This project was the combination of our study, our ideas, and the voice of the inhabitants of this area.
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